The Revolutionary Earth Warriors are alive and flourishing – there are 11,111 of us living on the Ethereum blockchain, all committed to contributing to the healing process of Earth and its inhabitants.
To create a healthier, safer and more sustainable environment for everyone, we donate to and support charities, organisations, associations, programs and policy initiatives that are dedicated to ethical, health-promoting, evidence-informed, science-based, and equal justice and equal rights causes.
So what are us REWs up to at the moment?
1. Supporting ethical, sustainable and environmentally focused climate change solutions and initiatives:
Donating to, and advocating for, organisations and causes that address the climate crisis through forest regeneration, land and water security, food and agriculture sustainability, nurturing dry and flooded lands and environments, restoring rain forests and rivers, and planting trees. Organisations we support include Climate Council Australia, the Australian Conservation Foundation and Friends of the Earth, One Tree Planted and The Nature Conservancy.
2. Supporting sustainable energy services, products and solutions, sustainable technology, and a sustainable economy:
We endorse renewable energy products, services and policies that reduce carbon and greenhouse gas emissions, improve the security and stability of energy systems, increase accessibility and affordability for consumers, and increase job and economic development in the renewable energy sector, leading to a healthier planet for everyone.
3. Supporting charities, programs and policy initiatives that fight for healthcare and housing for everyone, and to end global poverty:
We advocate for humanitarian aid and the provision of basic food and nutrition, and to end global poverty. We donate to charities and organisations such as OXFAM Australia, CARE Australia, Against Malaria Foundation and Equalize Health – organisations that fight against global disease and that take practical steps to improve public health.
We have made a $5,000 AUD (Qoin) donation to One Light Charity – an Australian foundation that funds and supports Australian registered charities that empower vulnerable people and their communities. One Light Charity seeks to reduce suffering across Australia by supporting causes such as: Disaster Relief, Homelessness, Education, Domestic Violence, Medical Care and Extreme Poverty.
4. Supporting equal opportunity of education and access to information for all:
We believe that equal access to quality education and information is the basis for a democratic, equitable, prosperous, connected, culturally diverse and just society. We promote organisations, associations, departments and donate to charities that better the quality of education, and work to provide access to information, education and learning services to more people. This drives healthier outcomes, such as enhanced social well-being and greater economic benefits for everyone.
5. Promoting and supporting diverse, inclusive, respectful and safe environments for all people, and to end all forms of discrimination and violence.
We challenge all forms of discrimination, and help to build respectful, inclusive, diverse and healthy environments where people feel safe to be their true selves without fearing discrimination and violence. The Australian Human Rights Commission, Diversity Council Australia and LGBTIQ+ Health Australia are just some of the associations and peer and health support groups we endorse.
6. Supporting animal welfare and animal rights:
We advocate and donate to charities, organisations and causes that fight for the justice and welfare of all animals, such as RSPCA Australia and the Animal Justice Party.
Through digital art and technology, we want to build a community that shares the values of sustainability, health, justice and kindness for our planet, and everyone and everything that lives here. Mint us, join our evolving community, tell us about yourself and your passions to help Earth and its inhabitants, and join us along the journey in the peaceful fight for a healthier future, and a healthier now, for everyone.